Health Articles
Flu Vaccine during the COVID Pandemic!
Government health agencies around the world are urging all individuals who are without contraindications to receive the influenza vaccine. book an appointment to get your quadrivalent cell-based FLU JAB now.
Are you medically exempt from wearing a mask?
Here’s what you need to know about when, where, and for whom wearing a mask is necessary, and whether you can be exempt from wearing one.
Information about COVID-19
The Nerja clinic remains open during this coronavirus crisis. Our multi-lingual doctor/s remain at the ready to treat you.
Be Smart about Antibiotics
“If you give antibiotics to a patient with a viral infection, he will get well in one week. If you don’t, he will get well in seven days.” So, said my pharmacology professor when I was studying medicine.
The Misery of Sleepless Nights – Insomnia
“Nothing cures insomnia like the realization that it is time to get up.”
That Nagging Cough – How Long is Too Long?
Chest cough, dry cough, barking cough: no matter which you have, none of them are any fun. Especially when they last for days on end. But how long is too long? And how long is perfectly normal?
Vaccine Refusals: Harming Children, Harming Society
It is always distressing to see parents deliberately withhold a potentially life-saving intervention from their child. Also, unvaccinated children put other people in society at risk.
The Unhealthy Tan
The Costa del Sol attracts masses of visitors from Northern European countries on pilgrimage-like holidays for sunbathing binges.
When You Need a Medical Skin Specialist
Each area of medicine is highly specialised and your skin, as the body’s largest organ, is no different.
Dermatoporosis: Aging Skin
Ageing skin. You watched your grandparents and parents get it and dutifully supported them. Are you really ready for your own skin to suffer those changes too?

Better Health Care is Our Mission
Open: 9.30h-19.30h weekdays, 10h-15h Saturdays, by appointment on Sunday. Emergency Calls 24/7.
Walk-In & Same-Day Appointments Available.